Saturday 26 October 2013

Hmmm here is a writing project I started in 2007 - never actually finished it but I will have another crack at it.  Its all about our family trip around OZ - the greta adventure as we like to call it
"Our journey around Oz was an amazing experience. It was something we had been planning for a couple of years.

It started with considering when and where. We knew we wanted to go to the top end so we had to avoid the wet season. More important than the weather was considering the kids. Sarah is 11 (Year 5), Evan is 9 (year 3) and Harry is (5) - pre-school. As we were planning to take 6 months off we didn't want to interupt Harry's first year at school, and Sarah is nearly at High School which is a big transition. With this in mind, 2007 was the time to go.

Having that sorted we started with keeping an eye out for a 4WD. We wanted one with plenty of room for the kids and luggage, but not too big. Emma had never driven one before and was a bit freaked out by the idea. She's come round now though.

Well we broke the first rule of car buying - never buy from a mate. We had decided on a Pajero or Prado, and it so happened that a mate was buying a new one and had a trade in. It seemed to good to be true - and it was. It had a bit of an engine noise that I was worried about and so we had an NRMA pre-purchase vehicle inspection. The NRMA told us it had a bit of an engine noise - fullstop. When i asked them what that might mean the mechanic could not elaborate any further. Great service for $250.

Decided to take the gamble anyway and bought a 1993 Mitsubishi Pajero. The most modern and expensive vehicle we had ever owned ($6000). Power steering, power windows, central locking. It was a big step up from our little Corolla.

They say poverty is owning a horse. Well we reckon the 4WD must be a bloody donkey. First things we had to do was re-register the beast. New tyres, new windscreen adn a couple of other bits and pieces and the purchase price went up to $8000. About 3 months down the track coming back from a Sunday outing, the old engine noise - the one I was worried about, gets a whole heap worse. Heads were turning in the street as we rattled home. We were just glad we made it and weren't stranded on the highway.

We made it home and rattled down to the servo the next day. I says to my regular mechanic, "We have an engine noise".

He Says "What sort of noise"

I say "An expensive noise"

He laughs.

I do not.

$8000 later we have a rebuilt engine, with new cooling system and fuel injection system. Apparently the bearings in the bottom end went, creating free play in the crank, which meant the piston was hitting the top of the cylinder. (technical talk) Basically there was a chunk of metal banging into another piece of metal at high speed 3000 times per minute. Thats gotta hurt (my wallet).

But we now had a car we could rely on.

Next we shopped around got a custom made trailer. No - not a camping trailer, just a trailer. We decided we were tenting it - so we needed lots of room to carry stuff. Our car was full of people, so we needed a trailer.

Emma was amazed when I bought it home. I must say I was also surprised about the reactions to the trailer. Blokes flocked around it. I had developed a relationship with the bloke who made it - consulting back and forth about the design. He was so impressed he came back a couple of weeks later and took some photos.

Anyhow thats todays blog - preparation for the big trip.

Next blog I might recall some of the great places we went."

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes blokes and their trailers, it's something us mere females will never understand.
