Wednesday 28 January 2015

Harry's first day of High School

Harry came home from his first day of high school yesterday.  He was so excited.  He had his timetable and he coloured it in with different colours for each subject line.  He then went and got all his subject books and coloured in the covers with matching colours.  Maybe it was influenced by the colours they are wearing at the Australian Open but it seemed that fluorescent highlighter colours feature prominently.

Harry is one to wear his emotions on his sleeve.  He has a dog like enthusiasm for anything he really loves.  It will probably fade by the time he gets to year 11 like Evan.  I would just like to bottle those moments of excitement and market them in pill form.  If I could just take a small piece of Harry enthusiasm and pop it just before going to work on Monday morning – just imagine.

That Penski file with its colour coding would be so motivating.

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